The starting price for the PIF compilation is from 350 EUR/product.
Prices for the PIF compilation are depend on type of the cosmetic product, its composition (the number of ingredients) and the number of cosmetic products for which you have ordered PIF.
The price includes:
We are compiling the product information file – PIF for any of your cosmetic product according to the Regulation (EC) N° 1223/2009 on cosmetic products.


CPSR is the most important part of the PIF and include data on raw materials, finished products, packaging, etc., which are necessary for the safety assessment of the finished product. The requirements for the formation of CPSR are listed in Annex I of the EU Cosmetics Regulation (EC) N° 1223/2009 and consists of two distinct parts with the following elements:
Bold font is used to emphasize which documents you have to provide in order to perform safety assessment of your cosmetic product and complete the CPSR

Part A: Cosmetic Product Safety Information

  • Qualitative and quantitative composition of the cosmetic product (INCI name of ingredients and their functions, CAS numbers of ingredients, accurate composition of the cosmetic product presented as a list of raw materials and ingredients, accurate concentrations of listed ingredients). In order to properly form a list of ingredients, it is necessary to provide the all relevant documents accompanying the raw materials. These documents are supplied by the manufacturer of raw materials and includes MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet), TDS (Technical Data Sheet) and certificates of analysis (CoA) for each raw material.
  • Physical/chemical characteristics and stability of the cosmetic product (physical/chemical characteristics of the raw materials and physical/chemical characteristics of the finished product (appearance of the product (texture, colour, odour), pH, viscosity, specific gravity, etc.) should be supported by information on the product’s stability in predictable storage conditions obtained from stability tests (accelerated aging tests, cyclic temperature stress tests)).
  • Microbiological quality (the microbiological specification of the raw materials supplied by the manufacturer of raw materials, the microbiological stability of the finished cosmetic product tested in its original packaging – challenge test and microbiological test).
  • Impurities, traces, and information about the packaging material (information on impurities and traces in the raw materials are usually found in the MSDS, TDS or CoA). Information on the packaging material – relevant data on the primary and secondary packaging found in the packaging specifications which include information about the manufacturer, type of the material from which the packaging is made and packaging dimensions. Data on primary packaging (packaging that is in direct contact with the product) are especially important. It is best to provide Food Grade Statement (confirmation that packaging is suitable for contact with food). If there is no Food Grade Statement, it is necessary to perform the relevant tests (compatibility test, migration test) on the finished product in its original packaging. Additionally, it should be performed package leak test, as well as visual inspection of the packaging for damage. The manufacturers of raw materials for package and the manufacturers of the packaging should provide MSDS of the packaging raw materials.
  • Normal and reasonably foreseeable use (the product labelling with warnings and instructions for use).
  • Exposure to the cosmetic product (the quantity estimation of product applied, duration and frequency of the product use, data on the sites and surface areas of the product application, data on the normal and reasonably foreseeable exposure routes and the exposed populations).
  • Exposure to the substances (data on the amount of each substance contained in the cosmetic product coming into contact with human body under the normal and reasonably foreseeable use of the cosmetic product).
  • Toxicological profile of the substances (calculation of the MoS where possible).
  • Undesirable effects and serious undesirable effects (data on adverse effects in or after using the cosmetic product).

Part B: Cosmetic Product Safety Assessment Report (Assessment of the expert assessor)

  • Assessment conclusion (Safety Assessor conclude whether the cosmetic product is safe or not).
  • Labelled warnings and instructions of use (important for safe use of the cosmetic product).
  • Reasoning (the explanations of Safety Assessor how conclude about the safety of the cosmetic product).
  • Assessor’s credentials and approval of part B.


In addition to the documents required for CPSR completion, you should provide the following documents: description and/or diagram of the manufacturing process of the cosmetic product prepared according to the GMP guidelines, GMP declaration, nanomaterials, CMR and animal testing declarations, proofs for claimed effects (experimental and/or theoretical), PAO (Period After Opening) and/or expiration date determination (experimental and/or theoretical) required for PIF completion.
After we get the mentioned documents you submitted, we will review them and perform their checking and verification. The more information you provide, the quicker the process should be.
Also, you should provide the exact product name under which the product will be registered within the European portal CPNP. Together with the name of the product, a code unique for each product must be given. All documents relating to the cosmetic product must have the exact name of the product in order to avoid confusion.
Additionally, if you do not have, we could prepare for you, the following documents necessary to complete the PIF:
description and/or diagram of the manufacturing process of the cosmetic product prepared according to the GMP guidelines (Good Manufacturing Practice) and GMP declaration, nanomaterials, CMR (Carcinogenic, Mutagenic, or toxic for Reproduction) and animal testing declarations, proof for claimed effects (theoretical), PAO (Period After Opening) determination (theoretical) if it is stated on the product.
The price per document is 30 EUR.


Finally, submitted documents could be sort and arrange into unique PIF. Together with writing CPSR, it will take a few days, usually 5 to 10 days, until PIF be completed.
Please, note that different pack variations and sizes of the same product only need one PIF, while any change in the composition of product which include change of any ingredient (exept minor changes, like color, perfume) or its concentration lead to formation of the new product. In that case the new, separate PIF should be prepared.
If you are interested in our services regarding cosmetics PIF, contact us from this page...