Ingredient list (INCI composition) of cosmetic product

With years of experience, we have noticed that many companies face challenges in properly creating ingredient lists (also known as INCI composition) for cosmetic products and complying with regulatory requirements for labeling.
The ingredient list (INCI composition) is a mandatory part of the cosmetic product label that ensures transparency and compliance with INCI standards (International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients). The list includes only individual components (ingredients), identified by their INCI names, arranged in descending order of concentration. A common issue arises when raw materials are incorrectly treated as individual ingredients or when the concentration of raw material is directly transferred to its individual components. It is essential to distinguish between "raw materials" and "ingredients."
Raw materials: These are materials you purchase from suppliers and use in the formulation of a cosmetic product. Some raw materials consist of multiple components (e.g., emulsifier blends, botanical extracts). Accurately breaking down raw materials into their individual components is critical for regulatory compliance and consumer trust.
Ingredients: These are the individual components of raw materials that are listed in the final ingredient list in descending order of their concentration, following the INCI standard.

How to correctly create an ingredient list (INCI list)?

To ensure accuracy and compliance, raw materials must first be broken down into their individual ingredients. Then, their final concentrations in the formula should be calculated before being listed in descending order according to INCI guidelines.


Composition of the cosmetic product "X"
Table 1. List of the raw materials used to create the cosmetic product "X"
Ingredient list INCI - Raw materials
Table 2. Individual ingredients with their final concentrations in the cosmetic product "X"
Ingredient list INCI - Individual ingredients
Table 3. Ingredient list on the label
Ingredient list INCI - list on the label

Our services

To simplify your product's path to market, we offer the following professional services:
1. Review and correction of ingredient lists
  • Simple products (up to 15 ingredients): €35€55
  • Complex products 16+ ingredients or with specialized components): €55€75
This service includes:
  • Verifying ingredient names according to INCI standards.
  • Properly arranging ingredients in descending order of concentration.
  • Ensuring compliance with guidelines for listing lower-concentration ingredients.
Required documents:
A current formulation with ingredients and their concentrations.
2. Creating an ingredient list from scratch
  • Simple products (up to 15 ingredients): €75€95
  • Complex products 16+ ingredients or with specialized components): €95€145
This service includes:
  • Full development of a compliant INCI ingredient list.
  • Review of technical data sheets (TDS) and supplier documentation.
Required documents:
A complete product formulation with raw materials and percentages
Technical data sheets (TDS) or supplier documents detailing each raw materia's INCI composition (INCI Breakdown or Composition Sheet).
Pricing notes
  • Additional fees may apply if raw materials have complex compositions requiring detailed analysis.
  • Discounts available for multiple products.
For an accurate INCI ingredient list for your cosmetic product, whether reviewed or newly created, contact us for expert help.